Following is a set of rules and guidelines to keep in Impetuous Order a positive, fun and safe community for all users regardless of age, gender and nationality. IF you break the rules severely or repeatedly, we may opt to move you to probation status. Probation status will limit your account and acts as your "final chance". Breaking rules further after that results in a ban. Bans can vary from anything from 7 days, 1 month, 3 months or indefinite. It goes without even saying that any attempts to hack, troll, breaking the law or activity we deem dangerous to other members will result in an immediate and indefinite banning.
Play nice with one another - no flaming, baiting, insulting, harassing, bullying, causing drama to or provoking other forum members. If someone asks you explicitly to stop contacting or harassing them then you MUST abide by this immediately. If you suspect someone is causing you harm directly or indirectly then get in touch immediately at
No spamming in sections or topics where inappropriate. Make sure you abide by their rules on this. If a section or topic is clearly for a certain purpose, don't make or post something completely out of place. Some sections will have different definitions on what constitutes as spam, please read their announced topics and make sure you abide by them and their rules. Similarly, this also includes "bad posting behaviours". Such as posting many topics in one go (e.g. creating more than 6 topics in an hour), posting a mass of 20 or more images deliberately to spam up a topic, making double or triple posts etc.
Keep content and discussions Work-Safe. While some swearing is allowed, please note that some people access from work-places/schools and that not everyone wants to read very crude posts or images. Do not post pornography or anything that may get someone in trouble or make them feel unwelcome/uncomfortable. If you intend to post something NSFW (Not Safe For Work), please either spoiler tag it or post it in an 18+ tagged group.
Respect our staff. Our forum staff give up their spare time to run this site for you voluntarily. Respect and listen to what they say. Do not publicly dispute this. If for any reason you feel any of our staff have made a poor judgment then please email us to register a complaint and we'll examine it.
Our Staff are Not "Rules-Lawyers"
Every situation is different, and there may be situations where these rules are not sufficient and will become flexible guidelines where need be. We hold the right to remove posts which are not covered by the above rules if any post or behavior may be a problem to other members or this community. If we do this then we will PM you an explanation. If we believe you are deliberately looking for loopholes in rules, then this counts as trolling and you may be banned.
On the other hand, you have the right to register an official complaint with us if you feel a member of our staff has made a mistake! To do this, please email us on with the complaint and clearly stating the issue, the time/date and specifics and who was involved. The more detail you can provide the better.
Member Conflict Resolution
Sometimes members will fall out. In such cases, unless one side is outright breaking the rules, we recommend the following:
First off, take some time away and calm down. Most arguments occur heated, spur of the moment.
Secondly, keep it away from the public and try to resolve it civilly and privately over PM. Other members don't want to have drama happening in a public topic and you'll likely just both end up warned for it.
If possible, try and see it from their point of view - most arguments occur due to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
If this fails, you may opt to contact us to help resolve it.
And to be safe, we must convey the following legalities.
Legally we reserve the rights to remove, edit, or to manipulate any content on this site for any reason. We also reserve the right to delete, ban, or suspend your account at any time and for any reason.
The IP address of all posts are recorded, and all personal information you enter will be stored in a database. This will be kept confidential. You may request for your membership and information to be removed by emailing
We will not be held legally responsible for any posts or content on these message boards, nor the actions of our members.
We reserve the right to change this rule in the future.
Finally, the rules are here for all of us!
The rules are here to protect you, not to oppress you. We run a team of very friendly and helpful people and always have making IO a fun place for everyone in our best interest. Approach IO with positive spirits and you’ll get the most out of this community!
Impetuous Order “IO” 4つのメインルール
以下は、参加する皆さまにとってImpetuous Orderのコミュニティが年齢、ジェンダー、国籍などに関わらず、ポジティブで、楽しい、そして安全な場所であるために重要なルールおよびガイドラインです。もし、大きなルール違反があったり、繰り返し発生した場合、一定期間において監察ステータスとさせていただきます。監察ステータスとなった違反対象者はアカウントの使用に制限がかかり、それが「ファイナルチャンス」となります。その状態で再度違反が見受けられた場合、使用停止となります。使用停止は7日、1か月、3か月または無期限と異なります。他のメンバーに危険だと思われるハッキング、荒らし、法律違反または類似の活動は即時かつ無期限の使用禁止措置が取られます。
1. 配慮ある利用をお願いします。誹謗中傷、嫌がらせ、いじめ、または他のフォーラムメンバーを困らせるような発言を引き起こしたり、挑発することは許容されません。もし誰かがあなたにそのような行為をやめるよう明示的に求めたら、それに従ってください。もし、誰かがあなたに直接または間接的に危害を加えられている疑いがある場合、impetuous.order@gmail.comまでご連絡ください。
コンテンツとディスカッションを安全に保つようお願いします。許容される場合もありますが、職場や学校からアクセスする人のことを考え、誰もが下品な投稿や画像を読みたいわけではないことに留意してください。ポルノや、迷惑になるようなものを投稿したり、歓迎されないもの、不快に感じるようなものを投稿しないでください。もしあなたがNSFW(Not Safe For Work= 仕事環境にふさわしくない)コンテンツを投稿する場合、スポイラーを設定するか、18才以上のタグが付いたグループに投稿してください。
一方、私たちスタッフに間違いがあったと感じられた場合は、正式な苦情を提出いただくことが可能です。この場合、 までメールをお送りください。苦情の詳細(問題をできるだけ細かく)、日時、関係しているメンバーなど特定できることをなるべく細かく記載いただけますと幸いです。