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執筆者の写真Impetuous Order

9月新商品とPre-Order割引復活 September NEWS and Pre-order limited-time discount

※English follows Japanese









スフォルツァ神父は,賞金稼ぎ,冒険家,そして今でも首輪を着けている元服役者である. 彼はそのキャリアを通じて,異常な額の賞金を集め,人間とAIを容赦なく追い詰め,恐ろしい評判を築き上げた.




コンバインドアーミー拡張パック アルファ







ITS シーズン15 トーナメントパック



ITSシーズン15から,クラシファイドデッキはこの新しいオペレーションデッキに代わります.オペレーション デッキは,ミッションの機密副次目標カード20枚と,新しいゲーム形式であるレジリエンスオペレーション(復興作戦)で使用される戦術目標デッキ・戦闘条件デッキ28枚で構成されます.

イグニッションコア 新陣営 デミウルゴス アーマードファイアチーム

(IGNITION:CORE Demiurge Armored Fireteam set)





ウォーロードメック: サポートメックにテレポートできる能力を備えているため,瞬間的に爆発的機動力を発揮する.ただしその能力の使用回数は限られている.

Pre-Order limited-time discount is back! Normally, 10% off, from the end of the month before the release to the 7th of the release month.

Bixie, the Jade Champion

Armies: Yu Jing/ Invincible Army/ White Banner Army/ Starmada

Yu Jing’s champion in the HexaDome, heroine of the StateEmpire, and icon of the technological achievements of the Dágang Corporation. She was a young soldier who lost both legs fighting for her country on Svalarheima, and who still takes part in tournaments, as well as in recruiting campaigns and, especially, in touring different battlefronts representing Yu Jing and O-12, turned into a real symbol for all the StateEmpire’s citizens.

Father Lucien Sforza,Authorized Bounty Hunter

Armies: Imperial Service / Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska / OperationS / Dahshat Company.

Father Sforza is a unique bounty hunter and adventurer, a former man of the cloth who still wears his collar. Throughout his career, Sforza has built a fearsome reputation, collecting an extraordinary amount of bounties and hunting down mercilessly both humans and rogue AIs.

Kosmoflot Support Pack

Armies: Ariadna / Kosmoflot

Sometimes the task of the Mekhaniks will be to prevent their ship from blowing up, and others they’ll have to detonate things and open breaches so as to keep the momentum of a boarding operation, with the help of their Elektronik remotes. While the Strannik Outer Patrol must patrol and enforce the law where there is no other light than that of the most distant stars.

Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha

Armies: Combined Army / Onyx Contact Force / Morat Aggression Force / Shasvastii Expeditionary Force

The Evolved Intelligence, an alien artificial intellect, has created the Combined Army, an instrument of conquest within which the most dangerous races of its dominions are united.

Bakunin Überfallkommando

Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin

Composed of a Chimera, a human modified in a bizarre way for combat, and a group of Pupniks, illegal human-animal hybrids, genetically created for fighting and sex, the Überfallkommando riot control unit is the scourge of the clandestine fight circuits.

ITS Season 15 Tournament Pack

New pack to organize Infinity tournaments orleagues, with a great selection of prizes for the participants

Operations Deck

New Operations Deck adapted for the ITS Season 15. The Operations Deck replaces the previous Classified Objectives Deck in this new season of the ITS.

The Operations Deck is composed by the Classified Deck, 20 cards necessary for the ITS mission Classified Objectives, plus the Tactical Objectives Deck and the Battle Conditions Deck, 28 cards which determine the objectives and combat circumstances in the new game format: Resilience Operations.



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