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9月末商品とゲームカラー遅延のお詫び Apology for the delay in September products and game colors

執筆者の写真: Impetuous OrderImpetuous Order

日頃よりご愛顧いただき,ありがとうございます.Corvus Belliの9月末商品と,Vallejo GAME COLORにつきまして,お届けが遅れており申し訳ございません.Operation Deck外注先での製造遅延およびGAME COLORリニューアルに伴う一時的な在庫不足のため,もうしばらく遅れる見込みとなっております.ご不便、ご迷惑をお掛けしておりますが、何卒ご理解とご協力を賜りますようよろしくお願い申し上げます.

Thank you for your continued patronage. We apologize for the delay in delivery of Corvus Belli products at the end of September and Vallejo GAME COLOR. Due to manufacturing delays at Operation Deck's subcontractor and a temporary inventory shortage due to the renewal of GAME COLOR, we expect delays for some time to come. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Impetuous Order




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