まずは9月以降に製造が中止されるものから:Knights of Santiago boxset, Orc Troops (HMG/Boarding Shotgun), Rasyat (Spitfire) およびSeason 10 Competition Pack ITS. さらに10月にはPanOceania Military Orders 300 Pt. Pack が製造中止となるようです。
Tai Sheng, Zúyŏng Invincibles NCO (Breaker Rifle)

"I want to help forge Yu Jing's destiny. And I'm not afraid, because I know I'm not alone. My brothers in arms are with me, the invincible armoured troops. They are all like me, citizens who have decided to expose themselves to the greatest danger. All of us are protectors of our nation and makers of its destiny. We will stand firm, we will never surrender, and we will always prevail. This is the message we will take to the whole Sphere."
私自身Invincible Amyプレイヤーというわけではないが、vanillaセットのためにゲットしたいくらい、このミニチュアのルックス、イケてます!
Nahab Aeromobile Team

"They do not call us "Nahab," marauders and predators, by accident; it's an earned name. We are dangerous because we are unforeseen because we appear when and where we are least expected."
Airbone infiltaration(パラシュート)のスキルでRahmah Taskforceにモビリティを追加したいならおすすめ。接近戦や急襲(assault)スキルがミッドフィールドで活躍できることまちがいなし。
Shasvastii Cadmus (Hacker)

"The Cadmus are the pinnacle of malleability, able to scan any enemy trooper nearby and copy their capabilities, a frighteningly fast and effective way to create elite troops."
Soldiers Of Fortune

"The most badass group you are going to find. Señor Massacre, a mercenary who shoots and cuts up people with his katanas while he knocks them out with his irrepressible prattle. Valkyrie, an unstoppable Nordic goddess who slices people open from top to bottom with her enormous axe. Laxmee, a master combat hacker descended from the Maasai warrior tribes, African ferocity in its purest form. And leading them all, Hannibal, the man with the plan, the strategist who always finds a way no matter how complicated the situation may be. "
一旦は上記の説明で十分でしょう。私からひとつ言えることは、Foreign Companyをプレイしたいなら、マストなアイテムです!
8-Ball, Greenskin Oni

"New release! This version of the most difficult Character to master from the Core Box is the choice resulting from an internal vote among all Corvus Belli staff. Alberto Abal's design maintains the character's distinctive elements, such as an antler weapon, the tattoo of an octopus turned pet, and the famous black ball with the number 8."
Saif Traders Coliseum

"New official design of the HexaDome in a neoprene format - much easier for transportation!
The Saif Traders Coliseum is the HexaDome where the battles of Aristeia! are held in the city of Saif, caliphate of Al-Medinat (one of the regions of the planet Bourak). Al-Medinat is home to Haqqislam's powerful medical, biotechnology, and pharmacological industry - so it is common for this HexaDome to be the setting where biosanitary corporations present their champions and set up new medical or military personnel. The most recent case is that of Aleasara Laboratories and the stars Bachmann and Hammerhead."
Aristeia Advanced Tactics Decks (EN/ES/DE/FR)

"This blister contains two new General-type decks, both with numbered tactics from #009 to #018, in the indicated language.
Starting with Season 3 of the AGL, players will be able to form their Tactics Decks in each round of a tournament by replacing the basic box General Tactics with TComm Deck Tactics or Sterling Forge Deck Tactics."
次に、グローバルキャンペーン「Asteroid Blues」が9月中旬にローンチすることにともない、9月22日(日)、柏のミニチュアフォレストにに集まる企画があります。是非、みなさんご参加ください!

そして最後に、少し先になりますが、2020年の1月26日(日)に、私たちの“初”ITS(Infinity Tournament System)を江戸川区(新小岩駅近く)で開催したいと考えています!詳細を随時アップデートしていきますので、みなさんこの日を覚えておいてくださいね!

Good poost