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Army: Northern Tribes



Selika is a lone shooter with the ability to slow multiple targets simultaneously. In addition, she can increase the rate of fire of the Ice Archers she joins and, to a lesser extent, heal and remove statuses from them.

What does she bring to your army?

She is an Ambusher, so she can choose the right moment and position to fire on her target, slowing it down and inflicting quite a lot of damage.

Allows Ice Archers to fire twice during their activation, making them more lethal.


Eskold the Executioner

On the battlefield Eskold is a magnificent warrior, very offensive, with the strange ability to join the Huargo Riders, despite being infantry.

What does he bring to his army?

Attack power. His enemies receive the cowed status just by engaging with him. It can also stress them if it inflicts damage in combat.

He improves the units he joins, giving them the Elite keyword and increasing their morale (MOR) by 1, which is very valuable for the Huargo Riders.

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